
Nounou à domicile

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We are a young couple looking for a qualified and experienced nanny to take care of our child at home. The essential criteria are as follows:

- Qualifications: Degree in early childhood education or equivalent.
- Experience: Minimum of 3 years of experience in home child care.
- Language Skills: Fully bilingual in English.
- Availability: Starting January 6, 2025.

Our child will be 3 months old at the start of your employment. We are looking for a reliable, caring, and creative person, capable of offering educational and fun activities suitable for our child's age. The nanny should also be able to prepare healthy and balanced meals, maintain a safe and stimulating environment, and assist with household cleaning and laundry.

Working hours will be Monday to Friday, from 9:00 AM to 6:30 PM. Our home is conveniently located just steps away from the Convention metro station.

If you meet this profile and are interested, please send us your resume along with a cover letter detailing your experience and qualifications.

We look forward to meeting you!

Best regards,


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Où se trouve le poste

Informations complémentaires

Date de démarrage souhaitée :


Nombre d'enfants à garder


Est-ce une demande urgente ?


Age (moyen) des enfants à garder

0 à 1 an

Compétences recherchées

Rien à signaler

Expériences Souhaitées

Expérience de garde d'enfants

Qualifications demandées

Diplôme d'associé à l'enfance

Personnalité recherchée

Rien à signaler

Détails en plus

Besoins et particularités

Rien à signaler

À propos de(s) l'enfant(s)

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Aucune demande reçue
pour le moment !

Nous sommes à votre écoute


Je suis parent

Je veux faire garder mes enfants ou leur offrir du soutien scolaire

Je rends service

Je veux garder des enfants ou proposer du soutien scolaire


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